Manhattan Area Rug Cleaning

Manhattan Area Rug Cleaning
220 Bowery
New York City, NY 10012
United States

Monday-Friday | 08:00-19:00Sunday | 09:00-17:00Saturday | Close
Manhattan Area Rug Cleaning is the premier destination for exceptional carpet cleaning, oriental rug cleaning, and repair services in New York, NY. Our professional team is dedicated to revitalizing your carpets and preserving the beauty of your prized oriental rugs. With our cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, we deliver unparalleled results that exceed your expectations. From deep cleaning to stain removal, we provide customized solutions to suit your specific needs. Trust Manhattan Area Rug Cleaning to transform your carpets and rugs into pristine works of art, ensuring a fresh and inviting atmosphere for your home or business.
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