ICare211.com does not provide employment to any care provider or care seeker. ICare211.com is not responsible or liable for the conduct of any care provider or care seeker. ICare211.com helps caregivers connect with care seekers and find services such as Child Care, Nurses, Housekeeping, Senior Care, Pet Care, Special Needs Care, Personal service, Tutoring, healthcare assistants and more. We help people connect to a wide range of public and private-sector organizations, private hospitals and nursing homes. Care seekers and caregivers are responsible for choosing an appropriate care provider and for complying with all applicable laws, state and local taxes, workers comp, liability insurance and all other requirements in connection with any employment relationship they establish. All information provided in member profiles, job posts, and applications are supplied by members themselves. ICare211.com does not guarantee information generated or verified. ICare211.com does not provide insurance, medical advice, medical diagnosis or medical treatment, practice or engage in any conduct that requires a professional license.