Best Google Adsense alternatives for your website

Google AdSense is one of the most popular ways for website owners to monetize their content. However, not everyone can use AdSense, and even if you can, it may not always be the best option for your website. Fortunately, there are plenty of other ad networks and programs that can help you make money from your website. In this article, we’ll explore the best Google AdSense alternatives that you can use to monetize your website.

Introduction: Why You Should Consider Google AdSense Alternatives
The Importance of Diversifying Your Revenue Streams
Google AdSense is a great way to make money from your website, but it shouldn’t be your only source of revenue. Relying solely on AdSense puts all your eggs in one basket, and if something goes wrong with AdSense, your income could be severely impacted. Diversifying your revenue streams can help protect your income and give you more stability in the long run.

Reasons Why You Might Want to Explore AdSense Alternatives
There are several reasons why you might want to explore AdSense alternatives. For example:

You’ve been banned from AdSense
Your website doesn’t meet AdSense’s eligibility requirements
You want to try different ad formats
You want to compare revenue rates
You want to target a different audience
You want to try a different revenue model
The Best Google AdSense Alternatives
Here are ten of the best AdSense alternatives that you can use to monetize your website.

1. is one of the largest ad networks in the world, serving ads to more than 500 million users worldwide. They offer a range of ad formats, including contextual ads, display ads, and native ads. pays on a net-30 basis and has a minimum payout threshold of $100.

2. PropellerAds
PropellerAds is an ad network that offers a variety of ad formats, including pop-under ads, push notifications, and native ads. They have a user-friendly dashboard and offer competitive rates. PropellerAds pays on a net-30 basis and has a minimum payout threshold of $5.

3. Amazon Associates
Amazon Associates is an affiliate program that allows you to earn money by promoting Amazon products on your website. You can earn a commission on every sale that you generate through your affiliate link. Amazon Associates offers a range of ad formats, including banners and product links.

4. Infolinks
Infolinks is an advertising platform that offers in-text ads, in-fold ads, and in-tag ads. They have a range of customization options, allowing you to control the look and feel of the ads. Infolinks pays on a net-45 basis and has a minimum payout threshold of $50.

5. Ezoic
Ezoic is an AI-based platform that uses machine learning to optimize your website’s ad placements and formats. They offer a range of ad formats, including display ads, in-content ads, and native ads. Ezoic has a user-friendly dashboard and offers competitive rates. They pay on a net-30 basis and have a minimum payout threshold of $20.

6. AdThrive
AdThrive is an ad network that specializes in high-quality, display ads. They work with top-tier advertisers and offer competitive rates. AdThrive has a high minimum traffic requirement of 100,000 pageviews per month and requires that you sign an exclusive contract with them.

7. Sovrn //Commerce (formerly Viglink)
Sovrn //Commerce is an affiliate program that allows you to earn money by promoting products from a range of retailers. They offer a variety of ad formats, including product links and display ads.
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